3月15、16日、イギリスのオックスフォードで第2回Oxford-Kumamoto Universities Joint Symposiumが開催され、池田研究室からは池田先生とNasser先生が参加されました。両先生とも各セッションで発表を行われ、質疑応答など活発な議論が繰り広げられました。


またシンポジウム終了後、池田先生はドイツに移動され、共同研究者のチュービンゲン大学教授Daniel Sauter教授のラボを訪問されました。発表や研究の打ち合わせ、学生指導など、忙しいスケジュールでしたが、オックスフォード同様歴史あるチュービンゲンの雰囲気を楽しまれたそうです。お仕事とはいえ、うらやましいです(北)


On March 15 and 16, Drs. Ikeda and Nasser participated in the 2nd Oxford-Kumamoto Universities Joint Symposium in Oxford, UK. They gave presentations about their studies and had lively discussions throughout the symposium.

Oxford is famous as a filming location for lots of movies and dramas. Among those films, the most famous one is Harry Potter. They visited the cafeteria and other locations that appeared in the movie during break time.

After the symposium, Dr. Ikeda visited his collaborator, Professor Daniel Sauter and his colleagues at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Although he had a busy schedule with presentations, research meetings, and lectures for students, he enjoyed the atmosphere of Tübingen, which is as historic as Oxford. I know it was a business trip, but still a bit jealous…

学会発表(池田 Oxford)

学会発表(Nasser Oxford)

学会発表(池田 Tübingen)