4月4日(火)、熊本大学医学教育部の入部式が行われ、当研究室の清水さんが「入学者宣誓」を行いました! 前日、空手の練習で目の周りにあざを作るというアクシデントがありましたが(!)、立派に入部生を代表して宣誓してくれました。4年間の博士課程、さらなる飛躍を期待しています!(北)
On Tuesday, April 4, the entrance ceremony of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences was held, and Mr. Shimizu of our lab took the “Admission Oath”. The day before the entrance ceremony, he had an accident with some bruises around his eyes during his karate practice (!). But he made it as a representative of the new students. We hope he will do his best and make a big leap during his four-year program!